Invested In Deep Value
RPS Capital Investments (“RPS”), through its affiliated companies, has invested $125M to date.
We acquire and develop commercial real estate and commercial real estate debt throughout the continental United States and have assets in Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Mississippi, Texas, Kansas, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, and Illinois.
A Structural Advantage
As a privately-held company, RPS employs a streamlined decision-making process and is not constrained by investment timelines and structural restrictions faced by traditional investment funds.
While the ability to act quickly can often be crucial to successful investing, RPS believes that patience and thorough due diligence are an even more important element to success.
Investment History
RPS seeks out overlooked, complex, and illiquid assets at the end of their fund life or held by otherwise constrained financial institutions.
Our investment history includes:
Real estate acquisitions
Loan portfolio acquisitions
Senior and subordinated debt acquisitions
Bankrupt company acquisitions
Joint ventures
Connect With Us
RPS is actively seeking new opportunities and partners that will either complement or expand its current investment portfolio.